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Hi There! I’m Key

A holistic healthcare professional, athlete, and guide teaching people the healing arts, facilitating ceremonial healing journeys, and building community in the health and wellness industry. My mission is to help train more competent healthcare professionals in this world and make proper guidance more accessible.

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Did you know that the most important person in your life is you? It’s true! When you take care of yourself and fill your cup, it pours out into everyone elses. Holistic University is created for people who want to heal themselves, others or start a career in the healing arts to help make this world a healthier and happier place.


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Is something holding you back from living your life to the fullest? Key offers in person treatments, ceremonies as well online sessions to help you advance towards the highest version of yourself.


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Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine
Electric Stimulation
Dietary Changes
Gua Sha

Negative Ion
Fascial Stretch

Other Modalities
Psych-K (Subconscious rewiring)
Aromatherapy + Tinctures
Joint Mobilizations
Infrared Heat
Energy Work
Breath Work


“Key is a healing powerhouse — fearlessly and intuitively guiding clients with his razor-sharp skillset, deep wisdom, and an innovative combination of healing modalities. All this, paired with an undercurrent of deep kindness and care facilitates a deeply transformative, heart-opening, and mind-blowing experience. My human experience was enriched tenfold in just one session.”

 -Paula Pen, Co-Owner Baldface Lodge

“Key is an amazing and attentive practitioner; he can feel subtle misalignments in the body and energetic field, and he uses this knowledge to assist the body in unwinding and releasing. His kind heart and presence fill the space, so you feel safe and held in the experience. I would recommend Kyle to anyone!”

-Dr. Sebriel, Regenerative Medicine Doctor

I heard good things about Key but went into the ceremony with no expectations, during the first half I was resisting a lot, he opened me up from my chest to my throat, and once I let go I felt this indescribable energy flowing through my body from toe to head. This was so different from anything I've ever done, I've tried many medicines and healing methods and nothing compares to this experience. He brings in bits and pieces from all of his training and life’s trauma into a beautifully curated and magical experience. I feel so light right now and I haven't felt this way in a long time, It brought a new profound awareness to my life. If you need help to release the trauma of your past, present, or whatever you're going through, Try Kyle’s method, he's brilliant.

-Danthy Love

"This was my first experience with a Holistic-based session, and from within the first few seconds of meeting Key in person, he immediately put any concerns I might have had to rest. He was able to gently guide this beginner throughout and provided such a safe and peaceful space that I was completely at ease with every single minute of the session. He listens to both your voice and your body and caters/adjusts each session to that. I feel like I'm in such good hands and every time I walk out, I have a sense of recalibration and reset that lasts for days."

-Vincent Villanueva

“Key helped me induce my newborn into this world, he was amazing at creating and holding space, I was having contractions 15-30 minutes apart prior to the session, he gave me acupuncture, hooked up electric stimulation to the needles, played soothing music, used sound tools, sang to the baby and massaged my belly, the baby dropped within seconds of his touch. My contractions increased to five minutes or less during the session and after the needles came out my water completely broke, contractions were constant and Baby Pearl was born in less than 2 hours. Kyle’s help made this birth a quick and smooth process. So grateful he was able to make such a difference in our life."

-Lynx Hazen

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